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Welcome to the PACDA Mentoring Program. Member participation will support the connections that are valuable to early professionals and experienced professionals alike. Special thanks to NCDA for their generous support allowing PACDA to review the NCDA mentoring program and adopt some of their materials for our program.

The Mentoring Program has been designed to provide professional development to empower individual PACDA members to achieve their career and life goals. PACDA matches member professionals who are early in their own career development (mentees), with seasoned professionals (mentors) in order to provide inspiration and support through meaningful conversations and collaborative goal setting.

The program is free, but participants must meet eligibility requirements outlined in this document.

  • Mentees must be PACDA members in good standing for at least 6 months, and have at least one year work experience in the field of career development or a graduate student matriculated in a graduate school program related to counseling or career development. 
  • Mentors must be PACDA members in good standing for at least one year, and have over six years’ experience in the field of career development. Becoming a PACDA Mentor.
  • Mentees and Mentors must be able to commit to the program for 3 mentoring conversations within 6 months.

Get started by reading through the information on this page, then use one of the buttons above to apply to be a mentor or mentee. Questions? Email



The PACDA Mentoring Program is an inclusive, multicultural leadership development opportunity dedicated to early and seasoned career professionals.

The intent is to advance the profession through the engagement of meaningful conversations, the achievement of goals, and a shared wisdom that supports continuous career development and lifelong learning.

The relationship is considered one-to-one mentoring and formal with some degree of prescribed structure.

  • PACDA will contact all participants via email and supply the mentor and mentee with guidelines, one another’s contact information, any other supplemental information provided by the mentor or mentee, and general suggestions for making the most out of their mentoring experience.
  • Mentors and mentees will receive a virtual orientation meeting.
  • Mentors and mentees will meet at least once in the first month.
  • Mentor and Mentee can choose to continue the relationship after 3 conversations.
  • Each participant will complete a feedback form after 3 conversations or within 6 months.




  • The mentoring relationship must remain professional and respectful for all participants at all times.
  • PACDA will invite members to be mentors and accept applications from mentees then review each to make matches based on preferences, skills, interests, demographics, and availability.
  • PACDA will assess the satisfaction of the Mentoring Program through feedback from all participants.
  • PACDA is not responsible for ethical practice or malpractice.
  • Mentor and mentees will exchange contact information, and any other supplemental information, to aid the connection.
  • Mentors and mentees will meet either virtually, in-person, via telephone, or any combination as meets their needs.
  • Mentors and mentees will together determine their goals.
  • At least 3 mentor/mentee conversations will occur within a 6-month period. Together, the mentor and mentee will decide what works best for them in terms of meeting schedules.

  • Mentors and mentees will contact PACDA Mentor Program Committee if either decides to terminate participation.

  • Mentors and mentees will be asked to fill out a brief program evaluation at the conclusion of the program. No additional reports are required, although feedback is welcome at any time.
  • Mentors and mentees will use available resources, including those provided by the program and by PACDA to strive for the success of the relationship.
  • Mentors and mentees understand that this is a voluntary opportunity; therefore, no compensation will be provided for participation; no fees will be collected.
  • All communications with participants and PACDA will be strictly confidential unless the other party needs to be notified to resolve an outstanding issue or cooperate in a transitional process. All personal information revealed within the context of this relationship should be kept in the strictest confidence.
  • PACDA offers the Mentoring Program as a pilot program for 2024, without guaranteeing any future programs.
  • PACDA does not guarantee any outcome for any participant.
  • Mentors and mentees who participate in the program release PACDA from any and all liability from images or other claims and agree to hold PACDA harmless from any injury or illness, mental or physical, related to this relationship and/or the activities therein.
  • Mentors will be working to help the mentee develop professionally, but the mentee’s clinical and work supervision is a separate entity. The mentor is not intended to replace – or supplement - the mentee’s formal supervision.
  • PACDA is not responsible for goals, outcomes, termination, progress or lack thereof, or anything not stated directly here.

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